E-cigarettes in Strasbourg, surfing on the vape

In six months the number of sellers of e-cigarettes has increased in Strasbourg. If the first store opened there two years ago, now there are ten more stores. Young autoentrepreneurs, sellers who officiated on the canvas now take their shop. The “vape” remains a very attractive market, but also very risky.

E-cigarettes in Strasbourg:

“With that prepares Brussels, I can tell that you sleeps badly!” Bratislav Turudic has reason to be worried: the European Commission is considering banning the use of refillable atomizers, or electronic cigarettes. “Brat” has invested a lot of money to enter this new market, then reserved for a handful of fans before the big summer wave of media coverage of these products allow supposed to quit smoothly.

In May 2013, Bratislav Turudic opened its first store in Neudorf, under “Vap’n Co” brand. A month later, he opened a second store in the Robertsau, then a third Erstein in September. In January, it will Schiltigheim. His employee, Julien Puma account for its open his own business under the same brand “within six months to a year”. So naturally a ban Brussels would be a blow to all those who invest in the market for “vape”, which doubles every year, the number of “vapoteurs” exceeded 1.5 million in France in 2013.

Strasbourg is not (yet) a jungle

For now, the number of specialized vendors grows too: Econoclope is the first store to open in Strasbourg in 2012. Both Strasbourg stalls, we must now add Haguenau, Metz and Sarreguemines. The brand also says on its website wanting to “develop other outlets”. E-Cigarette, My Free Cig, Sweet Camp; Vapes, Alsa Cigs, Vap’n Co or Break Cig’arrete also been added outlets.

Strasbourg but is not yet a jungle for investors, according to Almond Valladier. In 2010, 24 year old student recorded his SIRET of autoentrepreneur with her partner in creating My Free Cig, a website selling MODs, advanced electric atomizers and reserved for customer initiated. Since this summer, Almond and his companion are partners in a limited liability company, more suited to their revenue structure:

“Even if the same products in the shop are found almost everywhere, everyone gets around to find customers. And as we sell very little in Strasbourg, we are not really concerned with competition. For now, I would say that everyone finds his place”.

Shared by our interlocutors notice, including a priori when a trade competitor opened in the same street. On the avenue Aristide Briand, Bratislav Turudic prepares to voisiner with Marc Benoit, a passionate vapoteur who sold his goods also on canvas, next to his business road, before settling for good: Pause Store Cig’arrete expected to open in early 2014. Installed first on the scene, “Brat” is not worried:

“Benoit is a friend. We will be complementary in our products: rather sell him MODs, as we sell 80% of people who discover the vape”.

Choose e liquid tobacco flavor

You have probably noticed , the electronic cigarette shops are mushrooming everywhere in France , not to mention the media that scans the subject. If you have not noticed , maybe you live in a cave, cut off from the world 😉

With such a large selection , brands of e liquid refills are many and we can not count the number of flavors offered . Manufacturing and backgrounds , it is difficult to navigate for the consumer especially when the electronic cigarette one begins . As I have often mentioned in this blog , good choice of e liquid flavor is decisive.

It is therefore essential to test different flavors of e liquid tobacco before deciding . Ideally it is recommended to find a flavor and brand you can easily provide you with either buying a dedicated website or store near you . The e liquid is a product of renewal so take this into account in your choice.

E liquid tobacco flavor identical to my cigarettes:

No need to lie, find the taste of cigarettes via a refill e liquid does not exist. Imagine how the tobacco industry will react if tomorrow a brand marketed a full range of e liquid which reproduce the same all cigarettes in the market!

However it is quite possible to find a refill e liquid tobacco is actually closer to the feel of real tobacco. Most brands offer , available of course with different dosages of nicotine. Smokers can also choose between blond tobacco or tobacco brown . Certain tastes are sweeter than others, which is why it is important to test several times before deciding on a reference e liquid tobacco in particular.